
Welcome to the website for Sturminster Newton High School, I hope that you find the information useful and interesting.

If you have trouble finding any information please use the search button on the footer menu or contact us on our contact page.

At Sturminster we set high standards for academic and personal achievement within the ethos of a smaller school setting.  We are extremely proud of our school and value the size of our school community where staff and students know one another and where students are treated and valued as individuals.  

"pupils are now making better progress than they have in previous years.” Ofsted 2018

As a small school based in Dorset, one of our strengths is that we know our students well and are able to help them succeed on a  personal level. The school promotes a happy and purposeful teaching environment, where all are supported and encouraged to do their best.  

We believe that happy students become successful learners, happy students develop  the skills to succeed in life and that happy students learn to become independent and thoughtful adults. Young people leaving this school will be confident  individuals with the necessary life skills for further success at university, college or in employment.  We emphasise the development of good organisational, communication, ICT and problem-solving skills, thus developing young people who can use their initiative and relate well to others.  In return, we expect good manners, a respect for the school and a positive attitude towards learning.

"Leaders and teachers are raising their expectations of what pupils can achieve” Ofsted 2018

Working in partnership with parents our combined aim is to build upon the existing standards and success, moving  all aspects of school life to the highest possible levels. We believe in educating students academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually in order to support and challenge them to achieve their best.

“There are now clear signs that pupils currently in school are reaching higher standards.” Ofsted 2018

In September we hold an open evening for parents/carers of children in school years 5 and 6 to visit and tour our school.  If, you are a prospective parent, please do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange an individual visit. Our staff and students will be pleased to show you around the school and discuss provision with you

- Senior Leadership Team